Mokarram U Ahmed
Mr. Ahmed graduated in Electrical Engineering in the year 1964 from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka. He worked with the then EPWAPDA (East Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority) for about a year immediately after graduation. He then joined M/s. Greaves Crompton Parkinson Ltd., a subsidiary of Hawker Siddeley Group of UK. After receiving post-graduate training in UK with Hawker Siddeley Group of companies in the year 1973, Mokarram became a Founder Director and then, in 1983, the Managing Director of their Bangladesh operation. Mr. Ahmed received Management Training from Japan and attended a number of Seminars on TQM and QC at home and abroad. Mr. Ahmed is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, and Member of Bangladesh Society for TQM (BSTQM) and Bangladesh AOTS Alumni Society (BAAS).