Our Social Communication wing was set up in 1998. A dedicated and specialized team meets the service requirements in planning, designing, producing and monitoring, and evaluating Behavioral Change Campaigns with the Government of Bangladesh, NGOs, INGOs, and donors.
Our rigorous practice, learning, and deep understanding of social issues over the years have resulted in our proprietorial PSI Model of Communication for Development.
We believe that to change any existing behavior for betterment of communities and the country there has to be holistic change. Without a holistic and spectral change the desired objective will not be sustainable. The PSI methodology is set in the idea of bringing about layered behavioral changes through Policy, Society and the Individual, resulting in client’s meeting their own social objectives by developing strategies for communication that have long-term impact.
The Social Communication wing caters to different communication solutions with an integrated team in Research, Design, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, and Monitoring. We develop programs based on PSI strategies through integrated communication services – audio-visual production, airing and broadcasting with TV and Radio channels, space or time buying for both electronic and print media, strategic planning, creative strategies, and execution and implementation through communication materials across traditional and non-traditional media. International and local specialists, and organizations from our resource pool are engaged for specific and specialized needs.